Afghanistan is pretty much the opposite of America. The idea that even 500,000 AR-15 armed preppers could take on the US military, at home, in a densely populated, mostly urban, country is not a viable idea. I can't do maths so I have no charts. America is also a divided country, so in any SHTF situation you'll be fighting not just the g…
Afghanistan is pretty much the opposite of America. The idea that even 500,000 AR-15 armed preppers could take on the US military, at home, in a densely populated, mostly urban, country is not a viable idea. I can't do maths so I have no charts. America is also a divided country, so in any SHTF situation you'll be fighting not just the gubmint but your neighbours and armed "militias" (read, find, rob, rape, torture, kill, gangs)
I 'prep' but not for a revolution, I prep for natural disasters and the like. I have no guns as the idea that I could "defend" my goods from armed bands of marauders is silly too. I actually like and can use any kind of gun. I am NOT a pacifist.
But hey, good luck with your pee shooters and 'hiding in the mountains like an Afghan' when a fully armed Marine division shows up. All that aside, you are too fat anyway. LOL
Afghanistan is pretty much the opposite of America. The idea that even 500,000 AR-15 armed preppers could take on the US military, at home, in a densely populated, mostly urban, country is not a viable idea. I can't do maths so I have no charts. America is also a divided country, so in any SHTF situation you'll be fighting not just the gubmint but your neighbours and armed "militias" (read, find, rob, rape, torture, kill, gangs)
I 'prep' but not for a revolution, I prep for natural disasters and the like. I have no guns as the idea that I could "defend" my goods from armed bands of marauders is silly too. I actually like and can use any kind of gun. I am NOT a pacifist.
But hey, good luck with your pee shooters and 'hiding in the mountains like an Afghan' when a fully armed Marine division shows up. All that aside, you are too fat anyway. LOL