When repopulation remains unregulated, all political systems inevitably end in tyranny. Authoritarianism & tyranny are not a result of failed man-made socioeconomic systems, be it communism or capitalism. Tyranny is an emergent result of impacted human competition, of which even capitalism inevitably succumbs to (see: contemporary America).

Population regulation has been deliberately stained by the global elite with the knee-jerk term “Genocide”. Wealth inequality can only exist with human surplus, the greater the surplus, the greater the inequality. Repopulation management is a concept that is suppressed by those who have absolute dominance of the narrative-generating media and paradigm-constructing academia. Hypercriticality has been upon us for a while now, and there is only one single protocol that must be implemented to destroy the vast economic inequality that exists. That protocol is not pretty. It seems ominous and, on its surface, appears tyrannical in itself. It even has a sinister-sounding name: Protocide


[protocide ~adjective; def, Achieving environmental equilibrium by restricting the engenderment of those living under economic precarity.

~By utilizing the qualifying standards required of adoption applicants to those seeking a parenting license, an impacted population can achieve sociostasis within a few generations.]


By implementing a protocidal policy, the feedback of hypercriticality is used as a regulation mechanism that self-adjusts the spectrum of human asset value into the range of scarcity, where there is value across the entire spectrum. It will never be equal value, but there will never be a demographic with zero power, like where the 99% of us are currently at. If implementing such a form of regulation seems to appear tyrannical, think for a moment how over-regulated our entire world, especially the developed world, is. Everything is regulated, and new regulations are constructed and implemented every day. How many? There is a direct proportion of the number of laws that direct human activity and the size of the populace that those laws oversee. As our numbers grow, so do the number of permutations of human interactions, and as society expands in numbers, the sophistication and complexities of interrelations strain interdependence and proportionally weaken cooperation, leaving legislation as the typical means of stabilization. We breed ourselves into oppression. If we recede the size of humanity, we will diminish tyrannical controls. By implementing protocide, we are actually creating conditions more favorable to a laissez-faire society, where the individual can only exploit themselves instead of others, and in the case of the current model we live in, the untold masses.

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Have you read “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn? It may help refine your analysis.

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Hey BJ: Your slack for paid subscribers doesn't work. Even having substack send an email login doesn't work. I suspect it's because I'm not paying the proper way. I've been sending you $10/month via Patreon since 2018 (time flies!). Regardless, I'm not a fan of Slack. I might suggest you set up a Discord channel. All the up and coming projects are there, and you can do subscriber-only access easily. Best of luck!

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