South Park may be the most prophetic TV show of all time.

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Feb 23Liked by Handwaving Freakoutery

I always love it when something so stupid comes along that you cannot exaggerate it for comedic effect because it has already far exceeded your lowest expectations.

"Reality killed parody" - Me

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Feb 23Liked by Handwaving Freakoutery

I find it funny that South Park and the Simpsons predicted everything by just putting in the most heinous and ridiculous shit they could think of at the time.

Then again, it might just be that someone is using them as a manual.

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Feb 23Liked by Handwaving Freakoutery

I guess Google got embarrassed enough to shut it down. I just tried to replicate the results by having Gemini generate a picture of Norse warriors, but instead I got a message saying that they'd disabled the ability to generate images of people. They went all out: it wouldn't even give me an image of “porcelain dolls depicting historically accurate Norse warriors”, or even “literally any porcelain dolls”.

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Feb 23Liked by Handwaving Freakoutery

At the risk of sounding naive, how is this ethical computing? Who said it was ok to modify my prompt? We're getting pretty close to the HAL 9000.

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Feb 23Liked by Handwaving Freakoutery

Apparently Gemini also refuses to do stuff in the style of Norman Rockwell, claiming that he's basically a white supremacist propagandist. I guess they never saw "The Problem We All Live With" or a number of his other extremely well known and popular paintings.

Although this is making me wonder, if I asked for Franz Frazetta art, would it spit out a bunch of jacked black female barbarians?

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That South Park episode was awesome. 😆

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Oh they got the memo, they just don't care. You, however, and all your unrepentant, unredeemed, white, ilk will be made to care. At least, that's Google and Meta and Apple's entire approach to remaking Western culture's historical memory. And the best way to respond to such totalitarian whims is to break the LLM wit actual reality. Which is what I predicted would happen when all the tech bros released their woke LLMs to the public.

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So... if the Founding Fathers were horrible racists... and Google Gemini is re-envisioning the Founding Fathers as Black... Does that mean that Google Gemini thinks Black people can be horrible racists?

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May I suggest the progressive + regressive portmanteau "Pregressive"?

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Less a “woke” (lol) than a reminder that “AI” is silly

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