One possibility that you didn't mention is that if the bill passed, the system would gridlock and it would be de facto impossible to get a firearm. I don't know what the situation is, but it's not impossible for that to be the goal.

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I mean, it doesn't really matter. This thing will never see the floor no matter what. But given the nature of it I doubt there was any thought put into any individual piece of it at all. Had she thought a moment about it she'd probably realize that what she's actually doing is creating a poll tax for black people that will land hundreds of thousands of them in jail.

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Why does every single thing have to be about race. The 2nd amendment is under attack again but look around at everything going on. If we don’t pull together as a country and fight for our 2nd amendment rights we will lose them. People need to call their state’s representatives and demand they block federal gun laws individual states rights.

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Because it works as an angle of attack that shuts them up. I've done it in conversation about this very sort of topic (universal licensing) although I used "classist" instead of "racist" in that particular instance.

But making it about race here is essentially saying: "Remember how you hated 'Stop and Frisk'? This is effectively that, on a national level." You have to speak in terms your audience will understand. As the saying goes, "you have to git the tongue to the ear".

Yes, I know this reply is 3.5 years late. ;)

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Disarm Americans open borders free inmates socialism/communism is their goal and they know it won’t happen if Americans remain armed.

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I intend to treat this just like all the other gun bans - That is, i ignore it, and ask the bitch from Texas to come and try to get them herself.

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*106,001 - just got my license 2/5. Now the math will work, I'm sure of it! /s

Great read, as always.

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No it’s not a great read your putting false hope in people’s minds. Democrats are in control and we are in trouble. The best thing you can do is call and email your state law makers and demand them to protect the individual states rights and stop federal gun laws from affecting your state. The military is under a purge of white supremacy aka anyone who voted for Trump. All the talk about domestic terrorist well that’s us. Make the calls fight for your right to protect yourself.

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Depending on what they pass, I expect we'll start to see national 2A sanctuary movements of a similar flavor to what erupted in VA in 2019. And then things get weird. More on that over on OSD:


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