2) What's really scary to me are those who seem to leap at the chance to sublimate themselves to the Egregore (any egregore). They excitedly inform you of the new orthodoxy as if they have received another set of golden tablets. I think about how all the essential oil ladies in church became enneagram ladies overnight. And they were true believers of both.
Will there be those who willingly take the bite to join the shambling horde? Certainly. And I mourn them.
I'd like to recommend John Barnes' Century Next Door series, particularly Kaleidoscope Century, as someone who appears to have predicted the future without really intending to. The novels in this series feature the Meme Wars, where dueling egregores result in multiple ongoing zombie apocalypses.
"A decade ago, people began to be ostracized from their peer groups for being a Democrat or being a Republican. Today, people are ostracized for believing there are two genders, or believing the 2020 election wasn’t stolen."
So nothing changed.
No, seriously, nothing has changed. The Big Lie that's preventing progress against these zombies is that something changed. No, at best the covert became less covert.
This is hilarious: "The former [plumbers, roofers, etc] are insulated from egregorical capture..." Seriously? Or are Fox News, Twitter and Truth Social exempt from egregore status?
If it eases your mind, a 10-year-old I know prompted the Bing chatbot to write a story about Joe Biden, totally neutral request, and it came out with a tale of corruption and traitorous intrigue.
Zombies used to be quite real. In the Caribbean, voodoo practitioners put a person through a process, part of which was being buried alive for a while, which destroyed the 'executive' faculty of the brain.
A zombie could not decide to do something, could only obey instructions, so they were used as servants. Some actually cool-scary Count-Floydish B&W1950s movies were made about zombies who were ordered to kill people.
Now, the mainstream media and government regulators have discovered how to make zombies out of people without the burying-alive part.
ARs may be useful in the upcoming Insert-Thing-Here Apocalypse, but they're absolutely positively fun! Defend yourself from the shambling hordes in the future, and shoot 2-gun matches with your buddies in the present. It's a win-win situation!
Listening to you & Patrick on the Jim Rutt show inspired the piece I'm writing this week & this article will work perfectly as the closing recommendation 👌
I live on an off grid farm in alaska, so I can vibe with what you are saying.
although... what I would be interested in, ( enjoy your work) is an example of what a life would look like that is authentic and anti-egregore. beyond guns, where is the spiritual revolution - and what does that look like. I've attempted to build a farm ( fuck me this shit is beyond hard), might be needed down the road though - but what excites me is to think of a life in the city that is not just a fad follower. what does the good man - authentically good man - what does he look like to you. dying to hear your answer
spending 15 minutes on any of the popular subreddits will tell you this is much closer than any of us want to admit.
1) Hail the Omnissiah
2) What's really scary to me are those who seem to leap at the chance to sublimate themselves to the Egregore (any egregore). They excitedly inform you of the new orthodoxy as if they have received another set of golden tablets. I think about how all the essential oil ladies in church became enneagram ladies overnight. And they were true believers of both.
Will there be those who willingly take the bite to join the shambling horde? Certainly. And I mourn them.
For y'all who proceeded in spite of dire warnings not to read 😊
Flock of Starlings Fly in Captivating Murmuration Above County Tipperary Lake --> youtu.be/EVYmlNSIh2c
Jump into the meat grinder:
I'd like to recommend John Barnes' Century Next Door series, particularly Kaleidoscope Century, as someone who appears to have predicted the future without really intending to. The novels in this series feature the Meme Wars, where dueling egregores result in multiple ongoing zombie apocalypses.
"A decade ago, people began to be ostracized from their peer groups for being a Democrat or being a Republican. Today, people are ostracized for believing there are two genders, or believing the 2020 election wasn’t stolen."
So nothing changed.
No, seriously, nothing has changed. The Big Lie that's preventing progress against these zombies is that something changed. No, at best the covert became less covert.
Public transportation zombies.
Vegan zombies.
This is hilarious: "The former [plumbers, roofers, etc] are insulated from egregorical capture..." Seriously? Or are Fox News, Twitter and Truth Social exempt from egregore status?
If it eases your mind, a 10-year-old I know prompted the Bing chatbot to write a story about Joe Biden, totally neutral request, and it came out with a tale of corruption and traitorous intrigue.
Zombies used to be quite real. In the Caribbean, voodoo practitioners put a person through a process, part of which was being buried alive for a while, which destroyed the 'executive' faculty of the brain.
A zombie could not decide to do something, could only obey instructions, so they were used as servants. Some actually cool-scary Count-Floydish B&W1950s movies were made about zombies who were ordered to kill people.
Now, the mainstream media and government regulators have discovered how to make zombies out of people without the burying-alive part.
ARs may be useful in the upcoming Insert-Thing-Here Apocalypse, but they're absolutely positively fun! Defend yourself from the shambling hordes in the future, and shoot 2-gun matches with your buddies in the present. It's a win-win situation!
What I'm getting from this post is that Mario and Luigi are going to have to save us from Karen Koopa.
I am surprisingly comfortable with this future.
Listening to you & Patrick on the Jim Rutt show inspired the piece I'm writing this week & this article will work perfectly as the closing recommendation 👌
That was excellent, I was laughing through my terror.
And then there is the possibility of zombies created by a fungus. (See, e.g. The Last of Us). 😮
More likely...
Chile has its own egregore problems, sadly.
I live on an off grid farm in alaska, so I can vibe with what you are saying.
although... what I would be interested in, ( enjoy your work) is an example of what a life would look like that is authentic and anti-egregore. beyond guns, where is the spiritual revolution - and what does that look like. I've attempted to build a farm ( fuck me this shit is beyond hard), might be needed down the road though - but what excites me is to think of a life in the city that is not just a fad follower. what does the good man - authentically good man - what does he look like to you. dying to hear your answer
Joseph Oddinger and Levi McDowell (HWFO Readers) both took stabs at grappling with this question in guest articles summer of last year.