The number of extremely obese people, who have never cared about their health, and who point to the fact they got vaccinated and use it to pretend like they’re taking the only step they need to ensure their health is overwhelming. The simple fact of the matter is that covid’s death rate isn’t that high in normal, healthy people. The government is taking advantage to coalesce even more authoritarian power against it’s people and those who are unwilling to otherwise look after themselves can’t help but cheer it on. The world has turned itself on it’s head and it’s truly mind-numbing.

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How dare you make sense!

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These vaccines do not offer sterilizing immunity. As a result, a more pathogenic strain can evolve in vaccinated people. Vaccinated then become an unwitting host of this strain and pass it to others. The nature of COVID mutation is more tame than influenza, but the risk remains. FDA/CDC should re-think their vaccine strategy to achieve sterilizing immunity. That would also assist with herd immunity. Nonetheless, it will be with us forever.

The overweight co-morbidity is likely tied to Ace2. That may be a strain-specific vulnerability. Future mutations could deviate, reducing the covariance of co-morbidity. The vascular effect of COVID is murky and may create a long term implication. Which is a further reason to get to vaccines with sterilizing immunity.

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"immunity from recovering from a natural infection doesn’t last either. " FALSE FALSE FALSE.

What your friends encountered was Antibody Dependent Enhancement (or a flu - which the PCR can't distinguish PER THE CDC), and definitely NOT a second round of ANY one virus. Have you ever had to have a booster vaccine in less than ten years? No. Have the rules of science suddenly inverted because there are "vaccines" to sell? No.

The shots prevent NEITHER infection nor transmission, and 30% of the animals in animal studies died the next time they encountered a coronavirus (read: common cold), within a few months of the shot. IT's NOT a reinfections. How could you have missed this GIGANTICALLY consequential bit of information.

They are lying to sell shots and couldn't care less about the loss of life which they are NOT allowing to be mentioned. All hospitalizations from adverse reactions for recipients who received the shot < 14 days prior, and being reported as COVID symptoms in the unvaxxed.

That's right, drop dead 2 days after your second shot? It's an unvaxxed COVID death. It's murder by syringe.

Once you realise that, the gyrating storyline makes perfect sinister sense.

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This is not true in my personal experience. I've spoken extensively to both of the people I know who got reinfected. I am extremely confident that they contracted Covid, got over it, and contracted it again. Both were at the ten month mark.

It's looking to me, based on the national statistics we have available, that immunity to Covid wears off just inside a year for those who have recovered from an infection, and very likely wears off in somewhere around six months from the "vaccine."

Which lends me to think that the word "vaccine" shouldn't really apply in this case, quite honestly. We should be calling these "vaccines" "temporary immunity boosters" instead.

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What is your basis for insisting that these illnesses was COVID?

Per their site announcing discontinuation of PCR: "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses."

They cannot currently tell what kind of virus you have.

You are likely ASSUMING it is COVID because of what you are seeing on your television and hearing on the radio. It's propaganda to sell shots.

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Good article. Except that you didn't go into the VAERS data. You say one more experimental agent isn't going to harm you. Tell that to the thousands of dead and harmed, knowing on top of that that the data is vastly under reported. And you didn't talk about early treatment, which offers several safe, effective and reliable options for the vulnerable. VAERS combined with the early treatment success of worldwide top physicians and supported with numerous quality data are the two most important reasons for vaccine hesitancy and you don't mention them in your list. Lastly, here are the just released covid survival rates by age:

0-19 99.9973%

20-29 99.986%

30-39 99.969%

40-49 99.918%

50-59 99.73%

60-69 99.41%

70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)

70+ 94.5% (all)

Now with those numbers in mind, coupled with the VAERS and other worldwide data which mirrors it in being a thousand times the pre covid vaccine level, why would any thinking person, even above 70, take the experimental vaxx? It's absurd on its face...

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I examined the case that VAERS is undercounting by a factor of 5 here:


Now that said, that article was written in the era when we thought the vaccine was going to stick and not be leaky. Leaky vaccines change absolutely everything about the discussion.

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Excellent points - particularly about early treatments. A physician in South Africa, Dr. Chetty, has had outstanding success treating more than 4000 COVID-19 patients and had ZERO deaths or need for hospitalizations. He had to use his clinician skills because he did not have access to intravenous means, monoclonal antibodies, oxygen, ventilators, etc.

He describes his methodology for diagnosing patients and the drugs that he used and why. Key to this was his realization that if COVID was involved, 7 days after initial presentation of symptoms was the onset of dysnea and an associated acute allergic reaction. He used an H1 blocking antihistamine (promethazine - aka Phenergan) and prednisone after the 8th day w/ excellent results occurring in a matter of days.

Check out this interview:


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I definitely think we need to be looking deeper at treatments, but I also caution that Africa has a much lower median age, and the comorbidity rate in Africa is drastically lower because folks with comorbidities have already been cleaned out by malaria and similar. This is the largest confounder with HCQ and IVM, by the way. Their vulnerable population is much lower due to things that have nothing to do with Covid.

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Age, obesity, comorbidity, vit D levels - all would be worth noting in a population, no question. But the country or region wide success of IVM has been observed not just from the start in which a region has been consistently low in Covid but also when a surge occurred and was dramatically reversed with IVM systematic use by the gov in contrast to the opposite in a nearby area which outlawed its use. That's happened in various places in Africa now. As well as, most recently, in Japan when the National Health Ministry directed all docs to use IVM after closely observing its success in India, Mexico and Africa, along with the very positive reports by top docs like McCullough and Kory. The tide has turned now and will sweep the west in the coming months.

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Thanks. Will have a look. I had heard of him and another doc in S. Africa. Good post.

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Thank you. I will definitely read and bookmark that link. Thanks again for your article as well.

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Perfectly written. Lose weight, eat nutrient dense foods, exercise, stop being douches-all things America needs to work on

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Now when comes the Twitter storm accusing you of being a Tumpster?

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I have been surprisingly free of twitter storms thus far. Which is a bit surprising.

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