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In the view of Thomas Sowell, the problem is, at least in part, due to Black Rednecks. That is, American Blacks adopted the redneck culture of the South and carried it to the cities of the North, where it is ensconced as "black culture" (and therefore cannot be attacked by Whites).


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That may be the dumbest take I've ever heard from Sowell. Especially considering we don't see elevated homicide rates among white rednecks, we see elevated suicide rates.



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In the view of a former co-worker, a Black Vietnam vet:

“The only good thing about Vietnam was that n*****s and white trash found out how much they had in common.”

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I think it makes sense if you think of it not in terms of homicide among white rednecks, but fighting as a way to resolve interpersonal disputes rather than going to the police.

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Ok, if we're talking generalized honor culture stuff then I'd agree.

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I think it works a lot better if we remember he was referring to redneck culture from the late 19th and very early 20th century. That culture seems to have largely dissolved away as time and assimilation pulled it into the mainstream, but had holdouts in the urban ghettos where it managed to metastasize due to the drug war driven narcotics market. That's my take at least, having grown up in a rather rednecky part of the Appalachians where the culture was a bit of a hold out (not the violence fortunately, but all the rest Sowell described). The similarities are pretty striking.

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It's not a direct carry over, it's just got similar roots. Much like how the "black accent" is basically a morphed southern accent.

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Hmm, I'll have to review that. My experience with white redneck culture is that it does not express its honor code with homicide, but more along the lines of hyper sexuality and partner abuse. Interesting theory!

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Well, some of that is now part of the so called "black culture". Not saying the statement was fully true, but it does logically follow.

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Maybe they carried the violent traumas of slavery from the South, which they reenacted with their children and peers, who reenacted it with their children and peers, which became part of their culture. Although of course we started out with the caveat that this was not about blacks being more violent than whites, and obviously it's more complicated than that.

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I stand by this. Black folks are not inherently more violent than white folks.

Caveat: if two black women are in a fist fight, run for cover.

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Also, there's a way that it's self-perpetuating. Violent men don't make good partners, leading to boys from single-parent families who also don't make good partners. They had to stop mandatory jailing for domestic violence because black men were more likely to go back and kill the woman if they had been jailed. Pretty big disincentive to get married.

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Very frequently two dudes who are fighting both welcome the fight being broken up as it creates a win-win scenario: nobody gets seriously injured, but both preserve their honor.

In the rarer occasion when women physically fight, they’re doing it because they want to harm the other person. This type of fight among males is simply outnumbered by the macho/honor fight.

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Another factor has to do with the response to experiencing trauma, which often is addiction. That pretty much takes the dad out of the picture/workforce a lot of times.

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