"fat children on a trampoline" - Naw, no writer here! Thanks for a solid reality check that will likely never happen. There once was a time where having a gun wasn't particularly unusual. A shotgun in a wall rack was common. Somehow a gun became some sort of religious symbol akin to the devil.
"fat children on a trampoline" - Naw, no writer here! Thanks for a solid reality check that will likely never happen. There once was a time where having a gun wasn't particularly unusual. A shotgun in a wall rack was common. Somehow a gun became some sort of religious symbol akin to the devil.
"fat children on a trampoline" - Naw, no writer here! Thanks for a solid reality check that will likely never happen. There once was a time where having a gun wasn't particularly unusual. A shotgun in a wall rack was common. Somehow a gun became some sort of religious symbol akin to the devil.