I noticed the "buy your author california real estate" button, and my only question was: "why would you do this to yourself?"

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I'm not doing it to myself. I'm offering you the opportunity to do it for me. 🙂

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Maybe he wants to move out there and start a whole bunch of 2A cases.

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He's gonna need a lot more than Substack money to make that stick - gonna need the Jerome Powell printing press to win those.

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I know,I know. Just got caught up in a wishful daydream.🤣

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Like the one where as a kid you get picked up by the big yellow school M113 sold off by the Armed Forces in the peace dividend? Good times.

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Why should I have any faith in anything Politifact says?

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Another thing I thought about. I’ve been to California once. In 2019 my wife and I took the kids out to Yosemite to hike over the entire Christmas break. Packed our presents and clothes in the car and decided we’d rent a cabin out there instead of spending the holidays with her side of the family. Now keep in mind I’m a budget obsessed person. So I figured as close as I could get what expenses would cost. However what I failed to do was check the cost of gasoline out there. I just based it on what I was paying at home. Approximate amount of miles I thought we would put on driving out and back and miles we would put on seeing everything we wanted to see. The cost difference alone in California blew by budget to shreds. I could never afford to live there. California is for the rich,or homeless I guess.

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One’s gotta wonder, does Newsom even know he’s doing this?

BTW, cycling “infrastructure” advocates play similar games all the time.


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I work as a tutor. If my students are at all representative, percents and percent change are taught extremely badly, if at all. As we learned from covid, anyone with a little math knowledge can twist numbers to create whatever sound bite is needed. In an innumerate society, citizens can be made to believe anything.

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There's lies, damned lies, and then there's Gavin "Patrick Bateman" Newsom. Which is why he will probably be the Democrat nominee when Brandon drops out at the last minute.

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As soon as he opened his mouth Newsom was lying, distorting, deflecting and gaslighting, which is how most Democrat voters have been conditioned to accept propaganda narratives from their “side”.

Newsom is portrayed in the mainstream media in California as being less radical and less extremist, less far-left, but this debate makes clear that he is just another puppet in the censorship-industrial-complex and that his strings are being pulled by the same puppet masters as is #senilepuppet Biden and the rest of the neolib dingb0tz and pedo-globalists in the D-party establishment.

There is a little bit of good news, liberal-heterodox social scientists such as Musa Al-Gharbi have done scrupulous research showing the working class immigrants , mostly with traditional values (honesty, hard work) are exiting the toxic cesspool that is the Democratic Party in increasing numbers. If that trend increases, Democrats will have to eventually return to reality on some level.

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You actually didn’t need to write this article breaking it down.... For me anyways. I know that pretty much anything Newsome says is a lie. He is the definition of greasy slime ball politician. I have a really bad feeling we’re gonna be having this slick huckster as our commander in chief one of these years.

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I’d really be confused an thrown for a loop if he got on TV and said....”I lie about everything.” I’d be thinking. Wait,what? Is he lying about that?🤔🙃😂

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I used to wake up in a cold sweat after a recurring nightmare in which Bill Clinton predicted that the sun would rise in the east tomorrow. Same dilemma as yours, I guess.

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I wonder if long-term this will actually help the left by spreading out their voters a bit more. It will help to reduce the huge advantage the right has in the electoral college

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The intellectual dishonesty is akin to the emissions comparison between 🇨🇳 & 🇺🇸. Looking at it on a per capita bases does NOT change the fact that China's emissions dwarfs the United States. The per capita numbers are an accounting entery used to push an agenda, meaningless.

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Just anecdotal, but I grew up in the military moving all over the states. I always heard how great (and expensive) California was. I have lived in WA (2 yrs), TX (4 yrs), FL (parents always had a home there), ID (2 yrs), MA (3 yrs) and VA (3 yrs). Moved to Silicon Valley from 2010-2021. My wife and I left CA during Covid to get away from the lockdowns and the overly priced real estate. We got tired of having to share housing with strangers. Growing up, I lived FL for its swimming and the winters are great. I never realized how much I appreciate FL until living on the west coast for so long. I am grateful for all the liberty that FL offers and happy to take over my family home. I would never move back to CA. I don't care how cool they say they are. The older I get, the more conservative I get anyway. I would consider TX, but only if I had somewhere to go swimming in the hot summers.

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CA to NY = moving from one s**t hole to another one... Who in their right mind could think that is an upgrade?

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Seems like, per capita, Newsom spoke truthfully. Florida has half the population, and the number moving to California was slightly more than half as many as going the other way. Thus, Floridians are more likely to move to Ca than Californians are to Florida.

Find this statistic surprising, considering the costs. But it isn’t a lie, and I am not sure why you are trying to spin it as one.

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Read it one more time. HF is not spinning it, Newsom is playing three card Monte with his fact checkers.

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