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What lie do you mean? The first sentence of my reply to Ian Vaughan notes his error in ascribing to the author the intention of making an argument based on moral equivalency. The second agrees with Ian Vaughan's assessment that the author's argument lacks historical reality.

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"Historical reality" according to what particular narrative as conditioned by cultural narratives, propaganda, brainwashing, etc.?

The whole point of meta-narrative analysis and systems theory is to escape from the quicksand of confirmation biases and propaganda.

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Do you understand the "historical reality" of systems theory???

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Yes. I co-edited four books on systems theory. Probably a good thing for you that you blocked me. LOL.

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re: "morals"

Israeli officials and other insane zionist extremists are now openly calling for the starvation of up to approximately one million children in Gaza.

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Blocking in substack doesn't have any effect in "newsletter" comments sections, only Notes.

You edited some books, but didn't integrate the idea of meta-narrative analysis into your thinking??? Hopefully you did satisfy your need for ego gratification for a little while while doing something that crucial and socially meaningful.

But you can't even make your point in a coherent way, so "academics". zzzzzzzz

Show that you understand the "historical reality" of using meta-narrative analysis to transcend the quicksand of subjective-emotive narratives.

Otherwise, you appear to be just another egregore junkie, too addicted to moral outrage to think rationally (or meta-rationally).

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