What's an NPC? Non-player character? I've never been subject to the gaming egregore.
By the way, it's ‘its’ if it can't be replaced by “it is” or “it has“ and still mean the same thing. Yes I know “auto-correct” is a demon.
(‘Its’ is a determiner, like ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘our’, and ‘their’; conceivably it could be used in the same way as ‘mine’, ’yours’, ‘his’ [different context], ‘hers’, ‘ours’, and ‘theirs’ too.)
NPC does mean non-playable-character. While it is a gaming term, it is used as an insult against people who cannot think for themselves. Like their video game counterparts, a real life NPC cannot have an intelligent conversation. They have a handful of programmed lines they repeat over and over but are incapable of processing any information they are not programmed to process. In a video game these lines are coded into the NPC by the developers. In real life, the NPCs get their software updates from the MSM.
As an example, I largely abandoned reddit as a discussion forum in 2020 due to the presence of NPCs. Every time I implored them to apply a cost-benefit analysis to the harm caused by lockdowns I was met with the same handful of non-thinking responses that didn't take a word of my arguments into account. "We can't risk lives when there's so much we still don't know about covid!" and of course the classic "You're fine with killing grandma to boost your stock portfolio!"
On top of that, despite many of my comments making it clear I was (at the time) a supporter of Bernie Sanders, I can't count the number of times I was told "Go drink bleach you selfish Trumper!" as they could not fathom that someone on the left might question the MSM and democrat party narrative.
In my circles, including my family, NPCs are a sizeable majority. They are slightly differently programmed here in Australia, but not all that much. My sister virtually called me a Trumper when I shared a Project Veritas video on a family Messenger group. I didn't provide lengthy caveats listing all my misgivings about the over-the-top presentation, sensationalism, interwoven politico-religious signalling, repetition, etc., giving those I was sharing it with the benefit of the doubt that they would give me the benefit of the doubt. I hoped they would see through all that and just take the testimony of the witness for what it was worth. But no, that one especially indoctrinated sister (I doubt very much she'll ever read this) responded with more venom than I ever remember receiving from her before. It was disappointing and very disheartening. I fear she will be one of the last to wake up, if she ever does. After listening to an RFK Jr interview I shared with her she said it was best not to talk about it with me. Until then she had viewed him in a positive light, judging by the heart she reacted to the link to it with (before she'd listened to it).
What's an NPC? Non-player character? I've never been subject to the gaming egregore.
By the way, it's ‘its’ if it can't be replaced by “it is” or “it has“ and still mean the same thing. Yes I know “auto-correct” is a demon.
(‘Its’ is a determiner, like ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘our’, and ‘their’; conceivably it could be used in the same way as ‘mine’, ’yours’, ‘his’ [different context], ‘hers’, ‘ours’, and ‘theirs’ too.)
NPC does mean non-playable-character. While it is a gaming term, it is used as an insult against people who cannot think for themselves. Like their video game counterparts, a real life NPC cannot have an intelligent conversation. They have a handful of programmed lines they repeat over and over but are incapable of processing any information they are not programmed to process. In a video game these lines are coded into the NPC by the developers. In real life, the NPCs get their software updates from the MSM.
As an example, I largely abandoned reddit as a discussion forum in 2020 due to the presence of NPCs. Every time I implored them to apply a cost-benefit analysis to the harm caused by lockdowns I was met with the same handful of non-thinking responses that didn't take a word of my arguments into account. "We can't risk lives when there's so much we still don't know about covid!" and of course the classic "You're fine with killing grandma to boost your stock portfolio!"
On top of that, despite many of my comments making it clear I was (at the time) a supporter of Bernie Sanders, I can't count the number of times I was told "Go drink bleach you selfish Trumper!" as they could not fathom that someone on the left might question the MSM and democrat party narrative.
In my circles, including my family, NPCs are a sizeable majority. They are slightly differently programmed here in Australia, but not all that much. My sister virtually called me a Trumper when I shared a Project Veritas video on a family Messenger group. I didn't provide lengthy caveats listing all my misgivings about the over-the-top presentation, sensationalism, interwoven politico-religious signalling, repetition, etc., giving those I was sharing it with the benefit of the doubt that they would give me the benefit of the doubt. I hoped they would see through all that and just take the testimony of the witness for what it was worth. But no, that one especially indoctrinated sister (I doubt very much she'll ever read this) responded with more venom than I ever remember receiving from her before. It was disappointing and very disheartening. I fear she will be one of the last to wake up, if she ever does. After listening to an RFK Jr interview I shared with her she said it was best not to talk about it with me. Until then she had viewed him in a positive light, judging by the heart she reacted to the link to it with (before she'd listened to it).