Herein, find a list of articles we’re discussing in the HWFO subscriber only Slack channel:
An interesting look at a better idea than HWFO’s “World’s Dumbest Reservoir” -
So, How Do You Actually Refill an Aquifer? (paywall bypass link)
This article is half good half garbage about why single fathers do better than single mothers at raising kids. I put it here not because the conclusions are necessarily correct, but because it’s a great repository for links back to studies on the topic. One of the future HWFO topics we’ll eventually hit is to run through this same body of research and draw better more skeptical conclusions.
I may shoehorn this data into that article as well.
What the hell explains this? Hard to say. Maybe I can figure it out after reading the source study.
An interesting Twitter post by Roko (of “Roko’s basilisk” fame) taking a Ted Kaczynski approach to Yudkowskian worries about AI.
Scott Alexander finally got around to doing a post on hypergamy. It’s not amazing, but it’s definitely pretty good.
Jacob Siegel at Tablet did a very detailed look at how the national security apparatus is using the “war against disinformation” to spread propaganda and disinformation.
The Free Press did an interesting look at “Time Billionaires,” basically a set of visualizations of how to view your life in terms of not money, but how much time you have left and how you spend it.
The Weird Ideas and Shoddy Science Behind Free Government Crack Pipes.
A twitter thread showing that the highly published veteran suicide problem isn’t actually any different than the young white male suicide problem. The rates are the same.
Lars Doucet begins to have the same realizations that the 2018 Game B crowd had about the sensemaking crisis, that basically once the internet gets filled up with semi-intelligent bots spamming the space up that people are going to check out of it.
Rasmussen reported the elephant in the room, that the modern transgender agenda is actually dramatically unpopular. HWFO looked at some of this with our look at the new Florida laws.
In a similar vein, Atlanta’s “Cop City” (it’s not really cop city but whatever) development is also highly popular. Two of many instances where the press is depicting something as evil that’s highly popular, because of the bubble the press lives in.
43% of Democrats and 24% of Republicans won’t date outside their party. There are only 0.6 liberal men for each liberal woman, and only 0.5 conservative women for each conservative man. Noah Carl looks at what that leads to in the dating market.
re: Roko on Twitter. Magnus Robot Fighter.
That incarceration chart is a wild thing to try and wrap a head around.
I hope the full study makes more sense.