I’m sympathetic to your claim that we’re ruled by a protofascist oligarchy. I’m less convinced by your claim that the proles have no influence. The Trump phenomenon seems to indicate against that view. It looks to me that the proles have some level of influence over WHICH protofascist oligarchy has control, at least over the timeframe of a decade or so.. Or, at the very least, influences the general policy stances of the protofascist oligarchy (under the assumption that the same oligarchy is behind Trump as was behind the old system, which would take some convincing for me.)
> And if that’s the case, then it’s possible that most of the medical industry is in fact being somewhat cautious about proscribing these to children, as opposed to the red coded view that they’re not being cautious enough.
It's possible that both things are true, though. It could well be the case that they *are* being somewhat cautious about prescribing drugs to children that could very well sterilize them or otherwise permanently afflict them... and yet still not being cautious *enough* about those things.
Can we find one single datapoint of a person who wants the meds and is denied?
If not, then there's no reason to believe in "caution", because the notion that there are "more adult trans" than "child trans" is a fabrication; the actual number of both is zero.
Fascism does not result in a violent revolution provided the fascists are adequately ruthless and competent. As evidence, I submit Benito Mussolini's 20 year reign, which only ended due to choosing the wrong side in WWII. Francisco Franco made it about 40 years. Mussolini fixed a lot of problems and people were generally OK with him until it became apparent that he chose the wrong side in WWII (aka- no longer viewed as competent). Franco was adequately ruthless and quite competent.
Our government lacks either and is protected from revolution by a lazy distracted population. Additionally, the informed people that understand how broken our government is also understand that violent revolution almost uniformly results in a worse condition than what triggered the revolution. The Red Terror, the Reign of Terror, the entire history of Haiti...
On Wokeness by sex, I'd love to ask participants a follow up question to #1.
If women earn more than men, is it also because of oppression?
I think it should be readily apparent that the amount of water necessary for domestic water supply is tiny compared to the amount of water necessary to fight a giant fire. At issue to me is whether anyone planned for a fire such as this, and whether they were able to create the necessary infrastructure to meet that plan.
I’m sympathetic to your claim that we’re ruled by a protofascist oligarchy. I’m less convinced by your claim that the proles have no influence. The Trump phenomenon seems to indicate against that view. It looks to me that the proles have some level of influence over WHICH protofascist oligarchy has control, at least over the timeframe of a decade or so.. Or, at the very least, influences the general policy stances of the protofascist oligarchy (under the assumption that the same oligarchy is behind Trump as was behind the old system, which would take some convincing for me.)
If the protofascist oligarchy is an egregore, than it can both rule and by influenced by the proles.
> expressing it in public spaces will get you immediately ostracized by the swim team moms or the baseball dads
Promise?! :D
> And if that’s the case, then it’s possible that most of the medical industry is in fact being somewhat cautious about proscribing these to children, as opposed to the red coded view that they’re not being cautious enough.
It's possible that both things are true, though. It could well be the case that they *are* being somewhat cautious about prescribing drugs to children that could very well sterilize them or otherwise permanently afflict them... and yet still not being cautious *enough* about those things.
> Scientists finally got a grant from someone (who?) to study sex on LSD, and discovered unsurprisingly that it fn rules.
Can confirm.
Can we find one single datapoint of a person who wants the meds and is denied?
If not, then there's no reason to believe in "caution", because the notion that there are "more adult trans" than "child trans" is a fabrication; the actual number of both is zero.
You need not be a rightoid to appreciate gazing into the abyss of Yarvin... but it helps.
Fascism does not result in a violent revolution provided the fascists are adequately ruthless and competent. As evidence, I submit Benito Mussolini's 20 year reign, which only ended due to choosing the wrong side in WWII. Francisco Franco made it about 40 years. Mussolini fixed a lot of problems and people were generally OK with him until it became apparent that he chose the wrong side in WWII (aka- no longer viewed as competent). Franco was adequately ruthless and quite competent.
Our government lacks either and is protected from revolution by a lazy distracted population. Additionally, the informed people that understand how broken our government is also understand that violent revolution almost uniformly results in a worse condition than what triggered the revolution. The Red Terror, the Reign of Terror, the entire history of Haiti...
On Wokeness by sex, I'd love to ask participants a follow up question to #1.
If women earn more than men, is it also because of oppression?
Good stuff, as usual, thanks. Are you going to be writing about the "fire hydrants running out of water" issue in the LA-Palisade wildfire?
I think it should be readily apparent that the amount of water necessary for domestic water supply is tiny compared to the amount of water necessary to fight a giant fire. At issue to me is whether anyone planned for a fire such as this, and whether they were able to create the necessary infrastructure to meet that plan.
Based on my one experience, I can confirm that sex on LSD is incredible. That was a few decades ago but I'd like to try it again some day.