That Trans guy bullies a roomful of women into shutting up and doing what he tells them...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!

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Now that you point it out, that really has been the man of the people leadership trope, hasn’t it?

“Hey, I am one of you, just like you in all respects my friends! Except you all have to do what I say, of course. Totally one of you!”

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Just like the feminists, which is why they are reaping what they sowed. I remember precisely this being played out by some famous feminist (name mercifully forgotten) in a lecture I attended (I was a paid usher, not voluntary) in Madison, WI in 1976. It was an epiphany for me that the central message of feminism was "Do what we tell you to and you shall be free." This was so obviously Orwellian that it deconverted me on the spot.

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I'm reminded of the countless French citizens that, when faced with orders from their Nazi rulers to work for the Reich, simply walked up into the hills and forests never to be found.

Seems like the right call here, too.

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Thanks for improving my awareness. Didn't the US stop trying to fight 4GW in Afghanistan? I see that we seem to have been waiting out the Taliban with minimal force while trying to get a unifying government in place. Pity we kept supporting corrupt governments in the process. Biden's politics ended that long term policy. His advisors were clearly wrong and misread both the US citizens and the coalition partners. I sense we were trying to move Afghanistan into that 5GW and were having modest success.

Thanks for the movie link. That along with Musk has begun a long overdue kickback. Now we deserve answers to the CoV questions as MAA outlines https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1606047676449312768. We can hope the House allows Sen Johnson to guide them. Public exposure is needed to show how we have been abused during the pandemic. Slowly but steadily people are seeing for themselves bad policy has harmed them.

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During the "poking" portion of your piece, I couldn't help thinking of the Bundy's, who still owe a million dollars to US taxpayers. A real dilemma for the feds.

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Dont get me started on how they did my boy Lavoy

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Not saying the feds did the right thing though

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The ultimate poke: "You back down or you kill me now."

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Man, I should see if Mr. Lind wants to go out to lunch again the next time I'm in the D.C. area. His columns on 4GW were the best.

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Do you know why did Lind stop writing? Concur about his 4GW columns, but then he was gone.

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I don't, unfortunately. I have only met him the once. We went out for German food. :D If I can get ahold of him, and he's interested in lunch again, I'll ask.

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