Hmmmm. Sample size is a little too small. It's interesting to me that there's not a third category: Unvaccinated but had Covid already. To my knowledge, there aren't forced vaccinations in prison. If that's true, and if the prison infection rate is that high (93%), then about the only thing that could account for 42 inmates being in the unvaxxed category would be that they weren't in prison at the outset and hadn't already had Covid. It's a possibility, I suppose. Still, the absence of an unvaxxed but had Covid category is curious.

By the way, the link to that study is either inaccurate or the page has been taken down. "This site can’t be reached www.cdc.gov’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem."

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Link works for me


The study didn't mention prior infections, which was obviously curious.

I have friends at Folsom that told me the Folsom outbreak in 2020 was due to prisoner transfer. It's possible (?) that the unnamed prison in Texas had better quarantining procedures for transfers over the past year and never had an outbreak.

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Another study you may want to review: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.39.2100822#html_fulltext

tl;dr: Unvaccinated had mild cases; vaccinated had more severe cases, including several deaths.

Some key issues: These were all hospital patients and hospital staff. Very few were unvaccinated so that sample size is too low. Like the prison study, there's no indication if the unvaccinated already recovered from pre-Delta Covid or never contracted it. Age and frailty is probably the chief explanation for the severity outcomes among the vaccinated; masks (n95s) seemed not to make much difference to spread, at least if you believe the statement that staff consistently wore masks in the presence of patients.

I should also note that your fellow substacker Alex Berenson discussed this study lightly here: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/so-much-for-vaccine-generated-herd

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Can't say fairer than that, I reckon.

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Nearly 12,000 inmates in Thailand prison given dried herb used for centuries in Asia for colds and flu. 99% got better quickly.

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That shouldn't be surprising given the low obesity rate there and the fact that hospitalization from Covid is pretty rare.

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this doesn’t bring up the potentiality of the vaccine’s slow rollout as a precursor for the stronger variants. there are theories out there with regards to this, and if, indeed, that is a potential, how would we go about accounting for a stronger variant amongst the still unvaxxed and what their infection, hospitalization and recovery rates may look like vs the vaxxed?

even with the scores of data we have, it’s difficult to break it all down thoroughly enough to truly measure its efficacy.

that being said, I’m middle-aged, vaxxed, somewhat healthy, and take zinc and vitamin d everyday, along with daily hour long walks to add additional vitamin d support. your numbers above only help to reiterate that the virus isn’t the danger we all feared at the onset. I’m not sure we see any real way out of this but to let it run it’s course and continue to look for effective treatments for the more deeply affected.

my distaste with all of this is the vast amount of wealth the pharmas are making through this. we’re held hostage and they’re setting and raising the price as the market would dictate. but it begs the question, if there was a scenario where putting the good of humanity over making money would be appropriate, this one seems like it would be. not to mention the fact taxpayers already ponied up the r&d money for the vaccine and we’re taking a bath on the boosters as well. the abject greed of big pharma has been blatant for a while, but this entire event really seals the deal on their sin.

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Healthcare profits are evil. Altruism (a.k.a. socialism) would deliver a better standard of living.

And the earth is flat.


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I’m sure you’re glad to hear about pelosi making hundreds of millions to our detriment too?

guess you’d be glad that gm fleeced the us government in WWII the same way the pharmaceuticals are doing to us today too? oh, that’s right, they didn’t.

limiting profits during a global pandemic isn’t socialism, I don’t care what your link says. it used to be that corporations invested in their workforce, rather than the few at the top. would you consider the 50s socialism too?

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